Making Mama, Making Me
We made her a mother. Thirty-one and a half years ago, I was born and Suzie became a mom. My sister followed, and then a brother. After a little break we adopted my youngest two brothers making five children who call her mom. ( Not to mention the hundreds of people who view her as a special "mom" in their lives)
Two years and three days ago, when my first child was born, my mom became a grandmother. By December of this year she will have 5 grandchildren.
I love this picture of my mom in the hospital, the day I was born. She was 26 years old. She looks so beautiful to me. I wonder what she was thinking as she stepped into motherhood. (That is me, the same day, in the picture below)

Knowing my mom she felt confident and adventurous. that is one thing i love about her. She jumps in to the pool of life with both feet.
Sitting here thinking about motherhood, I realize that my mom gave us kids one of the greatest gifts anyone can give their children. She delighted in us. I never once questioned whether my mom enjoyed being a mom. She showed us every day, playing with us, cooking with us, laughing with us. I felt enjoyed.
The last few months I have been challenged to really enjoy Eiley more, to stop the list of "to dos" in my head and enter into her world, to play to enjoy what she enjoys, as I remember my mother doing with me. I have made it my goal to make Eiley laugh everyday.
Have I heard the rippling brook of giggles tumble from my sweetheart today? Am I laughing with her? Enjoying the moment of fun? That is my mark of success at the setting of each sun.
Visiting my mom recently I realized how much laughter and fun she brings into my world. The effect of her laughing with me fills a deep place in my being that nothing else can touch. It is like fertilizer for my heart, nurturing that place inside that gives me confidence and joy to approach life wholeheartedly.
Happy Mother's Day Mom! I love you and miss you and wish so much that we could be together more. But even though the miles separate us, your heart has been given to me and the seeds of love multiply as I give to my own little family as you so generously gave to us. Cheers to YOU today!
that pic of your mom in the hospital, is amazing - she is gorgeous!!!! so, that's were you got your good looks :)
beautiful post.
I couldn't have said it better Svea. Your words are true...our mama is funny that the card I got her said, "Mom, you always made me feel like being my mom was the best job in the world."...I guess we grew up with the same mom! Happy Mother's Day to you too Mama Svea. - love, sara
What a sweet tribute to your mom!!Love the pics!!!
Happy Mothers Day!!
Happy Mother's Day, Svea! I love this post about your Mom...she is such a special, precious lady. I love those pictures of you and her from the hospital...she IS gorgeous...then and now :). Love to you - Amy
wow Svea,
I thought the blog about Eiley brought tears to my eyes, but this mother's day post was INCREDIBLE.
It's amazing how you can word what my heart tries to verbalize (except for the part of being a mom, I haven't experienced that yet... maybe in the next 10 years.. :D)
Bless you!!
Wow! The picture of her in the hospital--she's beautiful!
What a great post!
I never knew how much you looked like your mom, Sveee. So lovely!
(Thank you for the darrrrrling card!)
Your mom looks just like you in that picture. Wow! Hope you had a happy Mother's Day!
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