Two years ago today
Two years ago this evening I was in the middle of labor in our little apartment, waiting just waiting, for my little jewel in come into this world.

You took a long time little peach, 28 hours to be exact, because you were turned the wrong way, and my midwife was patiently checking to see if you were going to move so you could come out. Your daddy was amazing. He was wearing a "got milk?" T-shirt during my labor. I think he has a sense of humour =) and he was my strength through the endless hours. He would whisper into my ear " you can do all things through Christ, You can do this Svea" HIs gentle confidence and constant presence helped me stay focused through crazy transition and intense back labor.
At 5am on May 6th after pushing for three hours, you breathed your first breath of air in the middle of our kitchen. AS our midwife held you up I saw that you were a girl! My heart lept! I had always wanted a daughter and I knew the moment that you were born that your name was going to be Eiley, which means brilliant light.
Every time I looked at you all I saw was light. And you have been the light of our life ever since. I am amazed by you little peach, they way you LOVE people and embrace life and draw energy and glee from interaction with almost anyone. You still get called "smiley Eiley" because your smile lights up a room, and your laughter tickles my soul!

The past two years have been the best yet in my life watching you grow and enjoying your daddy and you each day realizing that we were entrusted to raise you and love on you your whole life long. You will be an amazing big sister as you love little babies noticing each one and engaging them with your sweet greetings and kisses.
I bless you today sweet one. You are your daddy's and my greatest treasure, and our deepest joy comes in being with you. Today I wish you a Happy Birthday.
Love your mommy
happy birthday 'smilely Eiley'!!!
we love you too :)
Happy Birthday Eiley!!!
What a sweet story!!
She'll make an excellent big sis!!!
What a beautiful post Svea! Your little Eiley is blessed to have you and David as parents.
Congratulations, sweet Eiley! (And to Svea for making it two years! :))
Happy Birthday Big Girl! xoxo
Oops - that was from me! :) ~Misha
Eiley, we couldn't love you more. you are a true delight. Svea, you are an incredible mommy. so sensitive, so intuitive, such a role model for me. We had such fun with both of you in California and can't wait to see you again. Congratulations on turning 2 Smiley Eiley! love, auntie Sara & the fam
So sweet! Thank you for sharing. I love the meaning behind her name.
Welcome back, Svea. YOU are sunshine and light and its no wonder Eiley came to you!
what a little gift little eiley is. xo so thankful to be part of her world. xo
thanks everyone for your sweet comments. =)
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