On the move

It still doesn't feel real, but tonight I will sleep beneath fresly painted ceilings and walk on newly laid floors. Eiley will have her own room, and I have a refrigerator, stove and washing machine that are all ready to do my bidding. I feel like a queen.
I am so grateful for generous parents who have given their time again and again to help us acheive this miracle. In order for David and I to purchase a house within our means we had to pour in A LOT of sweat equity ( read in between the lines: blood, tears, backaches, bruises, headaches) David's parents have served us in thousands of precious ways. They invited us to live in their home for the last 4 months so that we could work on the house, and not have extra apartment rental payments. Agnes has lovingly taken care of Eiley many nights so I could work on the house with David , and Peter has given millions of hours building, sweating and laboring with David sharing his building expertise and knowledge all along the way. We could not have done this without them.

In true Laura Ingall's style we will have no phone service for the next 2-3 weeks. That means probably no blog posts, but I will be using my creative energy to make our house a home and when I return, I trust I will have much fun to share, so don't forget me, and I'll say hi to Ma and Pa for you...