
I am learning to be in the space where I am and breathe a deep breath of thankfulness, to glance at where I have been and not beg to go back, and look to where I am going ( though rarely can I see that far) and not hop on a jet plane to get there. I am definitely in process.
In my twenties I traveled all over the world, from the deserts of Egypt to the jungles of Thailand, the fjords of northern Norway to the slums of India. I am amazed, when I look back, how pungent life seemed at the time. With each new experience my senses were satiated with the intensity of living every day on 'the edge'. I often wonder if it was another person living in my skin that saw those sights and lived that life, so far removed I feel from that terribly exciting Svea.
Now as a 30-something wife and mama, I am looking ahead to owning and living in my first home. My husband and I purchased a 30-year-old house that needed complete renovation, and for the last nine months we have been working tirelessly to renovate it. ( I say the proverbial "we" though it is David who has done 99.9% of the work) We still have not spent a night there, and the last 4 months we have been living in my in-law's basement. It still seems unreal that I will actually be living in my own house, and probably soon. I can't quite picture what that will be like. But while moving six times in the last five years I have learned that it doesn't help to live in the " when I finally get there" world, because contentment slips through your fingers as soon as you open your mouth to say the words.
Closer to home, I find the contentment quest is most acute for me in very personal areas, like my relationship with God. I can look back at a younger Svea, who had lots of time to meditate and pray and read truth and digest the subtleties. I can see her praying for a man in Albania and watching that man receive healing. I can hear her teach in classrooms around the world on "How to Hear God's Voice". Today I see her changing diapers and feeding off People magazine at the doctor's office.....That other person, was that me?, I ask.....and God, was that you ?
Somedays I feel like a tuning fork that has forgotten how to reverberate at my Jesus' voice. But, to the contrary, I know...deep down (in the eternal space inside me) that no tuning fork ever loses it's ability to carry a tune. That is what it was created for. And I was created to connect with Him to hear His voice no matter how mundane the moment.
Again, the call to contentment, to being in a different space but breathing the same life. I am smiling, because last night as I went to open my Bible, ( for the first time in many days) I fell asleep meditating on the most beautiful verse. When I woke up, I took a deep breath and experienced something precious, and not so elusive.........contentment.

beautiful post svea. i love your heart. i'm following in your footsteps toward contentment.
it's amazing what mommydom can do to change you, it's a beautiful thing, but i agree, contentment is something we have to work at...and how can we possibly have time for that?!?!:)
wonderful, peaceful thoughts.....
love u
isn't it strange to look back? as we strain to look forward.....
I too can admit to feeling that way sometimes & wondering how far I've come from those amazing adventures! (one we met on in Norway). I really appreciate your words & sharing! Bless you! ~Wendy.
I love your analogy of the tuning fork never losing its ability to carry a even though we may be at a different season of like, we are still made to reverberate to the truth and love of God...although now we may experience that in different ways. I feel nourished by your words, your gift of creativity and your thoughtfulness.
coming from Mishas'..
Chang Mai was my preferred location in Thailand...the colours, the smells, the people, the crazy Tuk Tuk.
Love your past/present/future analogy... my edge is being this father I want to be.
a plus tard
Svea, you are a beautiful writer. I love reading your thoughts, and wonder at their amazing eloquence. Does my brain think that way, and I just haven't discovered it? Your blogs make me chuckle and cry. You are a blessing! love Becky
sister, you are a truly talented writer. you have just expressed in so many words what my heart has been yearning for these last few months. contentment...what an amazing thing to possess. the busier i am and more i fill my life with, the less content i seem to be. everything else pushes God further away. thank you for that reminder.
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