The cleanest throne there ever was

Last night four of my friends came to help me clean my house so that we can move in next week. These hot mamas transformed my dry wall dust-covered, paint-residue smeared, sawdust sprinkled, carpet piled, trash littered, newly renovated house into a sight so clean, I could actually eat off my brand new toilet. And to think that my house will never ever, ever, ever be that clean again....sigh.

Watching my amazing friends clean with such a frenzy of cheerful, Mama turned Molly-Maid, energy, almost brought me to tears. What does one do with friends like these?
Erin, the interior decorating genius, scrubbed my bathroom from top to bottom and produced a sight so shiny that you have to wear sunglasses to look at my chrome faucet. " If you have a caulking gun I will silicone your tub for you," she said. Who said mamas aren't handy? Erin siliconed the whole tub and impressed my handy husband with her invisible caulk job, AND she brought chocolate bars to boost our physical and emotional stamina :)
Becky, who is 5 months pregnant, wiped down all the walls and ceilings in our 1200 square foot house, vacuumed all the bedrooms, wiped down all my cabinets inside and out, and scoured the stove and paint residue-covered sink, all while looking cute enough to be on a Swiffer commercial.
Stephanie ran an errand for me in Winnipeg and then came back to shine up my windows and construction grime-covered doors. She then swept and mopped all my floors...and did I mention she brought home-made lemon loaf, made from her lemon verbena plant in her backyard?!? I think her middle name is Martha Stewart.
Judy, my sweet sister in law, who was not feeling well, still came and scraped stipple from my windows and scrubbed fly poo off our screens...She is a gem! Oh yeah, she also brought home-made chocolate covered peanut butter cookies!
Having friends like this is better than a spotless house ( and for the moment, I have both... until someone walks on the floors :)
This is why this California girl can live and enjoy the cold north.
This is what true spiritual Christian community is supposed to look like.
This is friendship.
This is beautiful!

the sweetest post that ever was!
very very nice.
i would have come too!! i didn't know...sorry to miss out on the TOILET CLEANING party. :) Those kinda parties are the best kind to have.
What else is there to do in Winnipeg than wash a friends' home?
HEEEEYYYY I can laugh ...I live in a rural farming community of 10,000 people (in canada)...
If a friend would call me to clean his house I would be there in a second... We would most likely play poker and drink beer but WITH the intention of cleaning.
Ha Ha Ha David, it's funny and true, we get our kicks in very creative ways in small towns, and we definetely can laugh at ourselves. by the way I did't mention how much time we took on coffee breaks did I ? he he
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Just so you know, my sweet friend, we were so happy to help. you are always there for's the least we could do. i'd do it again in a heartbeat. love ya sister.
So now we had coffee breaks ladies? What's next? You really had molly maid in there and drank Martinis' while watching the view?
And by the way that is exactly what svea should do to thank you all..
sorry svea :) get the evites ready!
Thanks for peeking at the blog (and for the comment) and it's nice to know how you found me. Thanks! Love the pictures. I'll have to try Probe (since Scrabble is off the table for awhile). I'll bookmark you and check in again.
so much homemade baking...yummy!!
makes cleaning parties no problem with all that extra sugar, eh?
sweet post in more than 1 way!!!
Svea-- The queen of her castle.
I was led to your blog after reading a comment on Joyce's blog. I noticed your name because it is a name that is unique and beautiful and just happens to be my grandmothers name as well as my mother's, my sister's and my daughter's middle name. I have never seen anyone with that name other than in my family.
Would love to know how that name was chosen for you.
i can't wait to see your home when i get back to niverville!! it's one of the first things on my list.
love you!
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