Reasons why I love this man #65, #478, and #10,000

The combine tractors are out in full force bringing in the harvest from the fields surrounding our little town. In the evenings you can smell the scents of autumn

For my sweet husband, autumn is the BEST time of year. When he was young he would run in the feilds and watch the fires burn. He tells me he was always waiting for the day when he would meet me and we could experience fall together. When he says that, I just smile teasingly at my silly, wonderful man. We will be driving along the road and catch a whiff of smoke or see a combine or hear the Canadian Geese beginning their southerly migration and my darling gets this wistful, sweet, melancholy, romantic twinkle in his eye as he reaches for my hand to hold. I love that about him. He is both tender and incredibly strong.
I could spend days telling many tales of beautiful things this man has done to show his love for me, but one thing that touches me is something he has done since we got married. David has rubbed my feet at least twice a week, sometimes more, for the last four years, and I have never asked him once to do it. Many evenings he will grab some special foot lotion and sit down beside me on the couch and say, "Please let me give you a foot rub" .....How can anyone say no to that!
I know it is extravagantly wonderful and I do not deserve a husband like him, but I am so thankful that he chose me, and as we enter the autumn season, I am especially grateful to be able to enjoy my life with such an amazing, sensitive man.

reason #712 why I love my brother-in-law: He takes such good care of my big sister. David, you are one of a kind.
cousin david is such a blessing.
glad you guys found each other.
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