Death of an evangelist

No one will miss him more than Chris, who, at 20 years old, cried when the vet put Rimshot down on Monday, relieving him of painful, arthritic old age. My family adopted my brother Chris when he was 8-years-old and from the moment he met Rimshot the two were inseparable. Chris was born with FAS and is blessed with a sweet angelic simplicity that defies this guile-filled world. Rimshot understood him, soaked up his rough-house hugs and loyally sat near him for hours while Chris drove toy cars through the dirt.
On Halloween one year Chris wanted to dress up like Jesus and insisted on taking his picture with his best friend Rimshot dressed as a disciple perhaps? But this was not the height of Chris’ supernaturally sweet connection with our dog. One afternoon my mom was sitting in the backyard with Chris, sharing about Jesus and how much He loved him. After talking for a while, their conversation went something like this:
Mom – So, Chris would you like to ask Jesus into your heart?
Chris – I already did
Mom-(somewhat puzzled at this statement) Oh really, you already asked Jesus in to your heart?
Chris- Yeah
Mom -Who prayed with you?
Chris – (With child-like innocence) Rimshot
My mom-( trying to stifle her shock and amusement )– Rimshot, the dog?
Chris – Yeah
My mom then proceeded to try and explain that it might be a good idea to pray with a person, because… well…. Rimshot was a dog ( she wasn’t sure she had heard of an ordained dog before, and what if Rimshot’s theology wasn’t straight, was Chris really saved?)
Mom- “Maybe I should pray with you”
This thoroughly miffed Chris, who looked down at his lap with much huffing and puffing
Mom- What’s wrong Chris?
Chris, Clearly seeing mom mom did not undertand, said with utter exasperation, ‘ I ALREADY prayed with RIMSHOT !'
So my mom released all idealistic, motherly dreams of being the one to lead her sweet son to Jesus, and let him go back to playing in the backyard with our evangelist dog.

He will be missed! When I told my daughter Ellie that Rimshot had died she said, "Oh...that's Ok, we can play with him in heaven." What a glorious day that will be!
Well, if you know them by their fruit and by their love...then yes they were/are both "saved" :)
Svea, I love reading your blog and seeing your pictures (of Eiley especially!!). Though our dogs haven't led anyone to Jesus yet (that we know of) they have become like family members to us, so I can imagine how Chris must be mourning. I'll keep him in my prayers. Love, Elissa
Regrettably, it's well known that dog's are unitarians--they'll forgive anyone and forget sins with or without repentance. However, their elliptical tendencies are rarely expressed in terms of theology, and so I'm sure that Rimshot will have no problems finding a comfortable corner in paradise and settling right in. (Amy sent me to read this--Liam)
thanks liam, so good to know all the dog theology stuff. leave it to a Liturature Professor to know those details ... thanks for checking out my blog
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