My girls
Last week I was having early labor contractions at 6 minutes apart for 3 hours in the evening, sooo I was told to rest and stop all work. Well, my sweet husband has taken those orders seriously and has done literally everything around the house, and good friends and family have dropped off treats, a few meals and encouraged me with prayers. Now I am feeling MUCH better, and the am having just normal toning contractions, but who knows when our little one will show her face. I am getting so excited to meet her, and see how she and Eiley will love each other.
Speaking of EIley , She found my shoes with a little heel on them and managed to walk all over the house....what a girl! She walks in them better than me. She has suddenly become a girl. She is no longer a baby or toddler, and though my heart misses those precious stages, David and I are LOVING her more every day. Lately when she ask for something and I say no, she tips her head to the side and says "Ask Daddy?" or even more funny "Ask Eiley?", to which I usually reply " Sorry, but no" She makes me laugh!
Wow! You are looking great and I can't believe how big Eiley is getting. She looks like a little lady, how fast time goes by. Looking forward to meeting your new little princess! Glad to hear you are feeling better. Bless you!
You look beautiful. Way to hold that baby in.
Love, Joc
You are such a beautiful prego!! Can't wait to meet the new little miss!!
Hope everything is going well!!!
Eiley is just the cutest!!
See you soon!
You look amazing Svea... there definitely is a special beauty in a pregnant woman. Take it easy!
I didn't know you were having another girl. Congrats! Two girls back to back are awesome!
okay, you are gorgeous and Eiley is HUGE! What a littel girl she is becoming. And she looks so much like her mommy. Can't wait to see #2!
Wow -- you look absolutely FANTASTIC!!
And two girls...I always wanted to have 2 little girls and now that I have's a dream come true!! You will SO enjoy your TWO little princesses!!
Take care in your last couple of weeks and I look forward to hearing the NEWS (and the name!!)
beautiful!!! i clicked onto your blog and little miss shiloh is looking at the screen with me -- immediately (when she saw the pictures) she started say, "i-yee"
and over!!
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