A foot thing
Now her little obsession does not stop there, she is happy to spread the love and wash your toes if she happens to see them.
I was doing dishes the other night when I misplaced my wash cloth.
I don't have to tell you where it was.....I ventured into the living room, where Eiley was washing her dad's feet, very meticulously between each toe. She spent over 10 minutes in this ritual, and hardly noticed my camera. Let's just add that I did not use that cloth to finish my dishes. :)
I guess she is the most spiritual one in our family. Following Jesus' example of washing one another's feet is a daily passion for her.
Way to cute!!!
Give her a big hug from me!!
AWWWW, eiley! where did she learn that??? kids are amazing!
So sweet, Svea :) Pretty soon she will have little baby feet to wash too! I love the pictures you captured of her foot washing moments :) Love, Amy
Hi Svea! I just wanted to say hi and tell you I still check your blog from time to time to see what's going on in your world. Eiley is a doll, and I'm so excited that you're expecting again! Congrats! Love, Elissa
Don't you remember how sensitive you were about your feet? Maybe it is part of that. She just wants her feet to feel good! lol fun, fun, fun!
How funny! She is so cute!
What a servant-hearted little babe!So sweet.
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