My daughter's best friend is Mao.
From the time she wakes up in the morning to the time

she goes to bed I hear his name many, many, many times.
But before you come an haul me away for letting my daughter play with the dead Chairman of the Communist Party in China, let me explain.
We love Chinese food.... Ok, just kidding, that is beside the point.

", as my daughter calls her, is Noelle. The two were born 7 weeks apart and have been inseperable since. They have had a built in playmate since the time they were popped out.
Their world reflects a bit of communist ideals... They share
everything from sippy cups to clothes, toothbrushes and food. hugs and kisses. They are learning to share toys and trade "sorry"s.
Someday when they are older we will embarass them with their many pictures taken together, their little naked bums waddling in the backyard their first summer, messy faces and muddy clothes. I don't think they will have any choice but to be friends, and I do hope they will.
There will come a day when Eiley will say "Noelle" for the first time and I think I will be sad for a moment, but I will certainly never forget sweet the beginnings of a life-long friendship.