Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
parking in the sun!
Saturday was gorgeous here with blue skies moderate weather, and we decided a family day at the park was the perfect idea. We are trying to soak up all the time we can enjoying Eiley and each other before we welcome her little sister into this world. ( Hopefully soon)
Eiley had a blast. WE went on swings, had a picnic lunch and rode a miniature steam train, which was the biggest hit!
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for our family. My grandpa went to be with Jesus on his birthday only a few hours after I wrote the letter posted below. HE is no longer under Alzheimer's grasp, but instead he is himself, at peace singing with the saints in glory!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Happy Birthday Grandpa

Happy 88th Birthday Grandpa!
I hear you are heading home soon. My heart is such a mix of happiness and grief. They tell me that it won't be long until you pass through the veil that separates us from perfection, peace, wholeness and eternal life. You are almost home.
I have a few things I want to share with you today. Though I know you may not be able to hear or understand, I love you Grandpa.
I have always had a special place in my heart for you, as you were the only Grandpa that lived in driving distance, the one I saw the most. I remember you telling me how your mother, Svea, had died when you were only a toddler. You said that you asked my parents to name me after her. Whatever the details, I am so proud to be Svea, named for your mother, a connection to our Swedish ancestral homeland, and a connection to you.
I remember when you were lying in bed for many years, your body weak , but mind sharp. I loved climbing up on top of your cushioned mattress, and snuggling next to you as you doled out chewable, cherry flavored Vitamin Cs., and talked about Creation and the war, and meeting our Grandma, and loving the Loons of Minnesota. I am sure we grandkids thoroughly jostled your lanky frame, but you always welcomed us.
I loved listening to you sing, reminiscing about your days as a church choral soloist. Your love for singing and music is threaded through our entire family. You always encouraged us grandchildren with our piano and singing, complimenting us on our long piano fingers.
I remember the Christmas that you came out of your bed to sit with us for the first time since I was born. What a celebration! Then to see your body heal over the last 20 years and watch with amazement how you cared for your garden and trees with new found vigor.
I smile thinking of your funny responses to affectionate words or expressions of love. I think our childlike exuberance often challenged your more emotionally reserved nature, but I could see as the years went by how you adjusted to the free sharing of "I love you".
You would respond with, "Oh you do now.... Well I suppose I feel the same way about you" The twinkle in your eye showing much love and affection.
I remember you telling my husband, David, that he must be sure to kiss me lots every day. "That is the way to keep your wife happy". I loved watching you love our Grandma, a woman of such grace and strength.
One of my fondest recent memories with you was when I was pregnant with my first daughter, Eiley. I came to visit and with a very large pregnant belly. I remember teasing you about touching the baby in my belly. Well, in a totally uncharacteristic move you reached over and touched my pregnant belly and then giggled the most contagious laugh and said " I can't believe I am doing this."
I did capture a photo to prove it, and your smile says it all.
I am missing you today, on your birthday. My heart is adjusting to a bitersweet reality that soon you will be singing with another choir. I am so pleased that with Him, your mind will be whole, not ravaged by an unforgiving illness. I know that soon you will be discussing Creation and Science and the logisitcs of Noah's Ark, with the One who holds all in His hands.
Thank you Grandpa for loving Jesus and showing me how to walk a path of faith and patience in this world. Thank you for praying for our family daily, always covering your flock of 30 something.
They tell me that soon you will be going Home, I will miss you..... but I will see you soon.
I love you Grandpa
Saturday, July 07, 2007
We love water!
What a day we had visiting our local aquatic center. We started off heading for the beach, but when lighting began to strike we changed course, and Eiley never knew the difference. She convinced her dad to take her up the 3 story waterslide again and again and again.
The weather cleared and we enjoyed the outdoor pool too.
I must say that the water felt fabulous for this 37-week-pregnant body of mine. It was just so lovely to spend the whole day together as a family enjoying, laughing and playing around.
We also did another "first" We took Eiley for her first Happy Meal at McDonalds. See, David and I both really dislike McDonalds, so we never go there, but we thought our daughter would probably really enjoy the experience, so we put aside out bias, and had a great time. She was enthralled with her Hello Kitty style set that came with her hamburger and fries. I have to hand it to Micky D's, they do know how to please kids. We also ran into lots of other families making their way from the pool to the golden arches. I suppose we could become McDonalds people... only time will tell.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
My girls
Last week I was having early labor contractions at 6 minutes apart for 3 hours in the evening, sooo I was told to rest and stop all work. Well, my sweet husband has taken those orders seriously and has done literally everything around the house, and good friends and family have dropped off treats, a few meals and encouraged me with prayers. Now I am feeling MUCH better, and the am having just normal toning contractions, but who knows when our little one will show her face. I am getting so excited to meet her, and see how she and Eiley will love each other.
Speaking of EIley , She found my shoes with a little heel on them and managed to walk all over the house....what a girl! She walks in them better than me. She has suddenly become a girl. She is no longer a baby or toddler, and though my heart misses those precious stages, David and I are LOVING her more every day. Lately when she ask for something and I say no, she tips her head to the side and says "Ask Daddy?" or even more funny "Ask Eiley?", to which I usually reply " Sorry, but no" She makes me laugh!