Sunday, June 24, 2007

Why I loathe mosquitos


EIley went for the afternoon to her grandparents cottage, which is on a beautiful river with tons of trees. After the torrential rain we have been having it, like every other inch of manitoba, is a mosquito breeding ground.

She came home with over 100 bites, even though she was covered with citronella, all natural child-safe repellent gel. I thought I was doing her a favor by not spraying DEET poison on her, but now I am not so sure.


She was so miserable, clawing at the terrible bites for the last 3 days. I lay in bed last night wondering if there was anything redeeming about mosquitos. Do they add anything to creation that is needed? can anyone help me out here? I am beginning to wonder if those blood-sucking beasts came with the fall of man and will be a primary resident in hell.

Anyhow, my dear husband made up an oatmeal conncoction that was vital to his survival the two years he tree-planted in the northern canada mosquito outback. He applied the pack to eiley and there was a bit of relief. I would welcome any suggestions for keeping these vermin away from my baby, or any recipes for soothing relief after they leave their mark.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

The art of massage


EIley loves to wrestle with her daddy, and the other day she decided to try and walk on his back.

We encouraged her telling her she was giving daddy a very nice massage. For almost 30 minutes she pounded away on David's back while we just laughed. She stood up several times walking up and down his spine. Silly girl.

I do love that my two sweethearts can enjoy each other so much.
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On a fair day

  This past weekend we enjoyed the Niverville Fair. What a blast!

Eiley could not get over how many "peepoles" there were ( 6,000ish on Friday night). Our little social butterfly was in heaven. She danced to the bands on the main stage, ate food from the booths,  rode a pony by herself!


We had fabulous weather, and a big highlight was Eiley seeing Daddy in the parade. David sits on our town council, so he walked in the parade with the mayor throwing candy to all the kids.

I have 6 weeks left until my due date, and a few moments this weekend I felt like I was carrying a bowling ball around, but what fun to live in a town that celebrates like we do.

There was an amazing fireworks show on Friday night and we live 2 blocks from main street so we watched from our porch.... ahhhh summer =)
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Thursday, June 07, 2007

A foot thing

 I am not sure where she got it, but 'Little bit' has a thing for wiping her toes. She asks me for a wet wipe about 126 times a day and then the first thing she does is shed her socks and wipe her toes. "One wipe pease Mama? Jus one?.....two... peeeeeease?"


Now her little obsession does not stop there, she is happy to spread the love and wash your toes if she happens to see them.

I was doing dishes the other night when I misplaced my wash cloth.

I don't have to tell you where it was.....I ventured into the living room, where Eiley was washing her dad's feet, very meticulously between each toe. She spent over 10 minutes in this ritual, and hardly noticed my camera. Let's just add that I did not use that cloth to finish my dishes. :)

I guess she is the most spiritual one in our family. Following Jesus' example of washing one another's feet is a daily passion for her.
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