Saturday, April 28, 2007

Californian cousin heaven


We are loving our visit to california, and especially visiting with Eiley's cousins Rachel and Elizabeth. They were born within 6 months and are so cute together.

We went to see a big parade this morning and as the temperature climbed we decided a trip into the pool was called for.

It is 94 degrees here and they can't feel it casue their little pool is where they spend most of their time. "Swimmin and spashin'" as Eiley says.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Ok Louise here goes

I was tagged by Louise to do this meme. Sorry it took so long. I have not done one meme i was tagged to do, because I generally only have 2 minutes and now I am sitting in California , my girl is in bed at 7pm! and here goes:

Three Things That Scare Me:
1. Rats
2. Dark movies
3. Cochroaches

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. My husband when he is in a goofy mood
2. Andrae, my bro-in -law
3. My mom or sister Sara - they can be super cheeky, and I love it

Three Things I Love: Aside from God/friends/family
1. Snuggling with my husband
2. Yummy fresh fruit ( when I am visitng Cali- fresh oranges, apricots or cherries from my parents trees)
3. Making my daughter laugh

Three Things I Hate:
1. Dirty dishes
2. Being misunderstood or misjudged
3. chapped lips

Three Things I Don’t Understand:
1. Why people are quick to put others in a box
2. Why I put people in boxes
3. Where boxes come from anyway

Three Things On My Desk:
1. Camera
2. Books
3. Box of tissues ( I have one in every's a bit of an obsession)

Things I’m Doing Right Now:
1. This meme
2. Relaxing, feeling content from supper feeling my baby kick inside
3. marveling in 24 degrees, sunny slightly breezy, clear sky evening in Cali. Ahhhhhh

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Take my whole family ( kids/ husband) and go on an extended missions trip
2. Go skydiving
3. Go to Africa

Three Things I Can Do:
1. Make people feel how special they really are
2. Let people I love know that they're loved
3. Make yummy scones

Three Things I Can’t Do:
1. Type well
2. Run
3. Right now, I can't: feel my bum, cause it has fallen asleep ( baby is getting a little to heavy for my lounging for long periods of time)

Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. God
2. My husband preach or teach...He amazes me
3. My sister-in-lay Judy sing and play piano. She makes me cry everytime. She is also amazing

Three Things You Should Never Listen To:
1. Lies from the enemy
2. Doctrine that is not from the WORD (taken from brandy)
3. People who tear down others especially women who tear down their husbands or children in public in front of them. (This hurts my heart a lot!)

Three Things I’d Like To Learn:
1. How to be a better listener
2. How to run
3. to be fluent in Spanish ( I am not very good even after three years at university)

Three Favorite Foods:
1. Fruit
2. Wine ( red)
3. Cheese and fresh bread anything brie, raclette, gouda, feta
(Based on the above i think I should move back to Europe)

Three Shows I Watched As A Kid:
1. Sesame Street
2. Inspector Gadget
3. Smurfs (Hey Brandy we weren't allowed to watch either, but we snuck in a bit of Smurfette at a friends house)

Three Things I Regret:
1. Taking on too much in my 20s
2. Not walking out of certain movies that left me with a yucky residue ( difficult to shake off)
3. Not responding immediately to God's prompting every time he speaks.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter fun


I am not sure I will ever adjust to the fact that a velour outfit can pass for an Easter sundress, but in chilly Manitoba it was the obvious choice for 30 degree Easter celebration.

Cousin Kaelyn and Eiley had fun finding little baskets from Grandma, and sneaking mini chocolate eggs from unsuspecting Uncles and Aunties.

The biggest hit of the day was Bunny bubbles which delighted the girls to no end. They brought the bubble jar to anyone sitting still and laughed uproariously at each blow. Oh to be a child again.

Eiley helped me make crepes for breakfast and especially liked licking the whipped cream from the beaters, though I admit I didn't really want to share, because that is my favorite part too, but she was soo cute, I had to give in.
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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Fashionista...and what to do with twins


Can I just say that my daughter melts my heart. A sweet friend gave Eiley this adorable little outfit which is way cuter than any clothes I own.

The first thing she did when we got home from church was to put on her yellow rain boots, which I think go with the wool dress smashingly.

I just had to throw in the attentive mother pic. What is a mom to do when she has two babies and one is crying? Well, hold one and push the other, of course.

I think I will be asking my little mommy for advice when the baby comes. She is a pro.
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Uncle Andrae


Yippeeee! Uncle 'Achtre' came for a visit last week and Eiley thought my fun-loving comedic brother-in-law was so amusing she started saying, "Achtre-funny" as if that was his middle name.

The two of them played a form of catch which involved Eiley climbing on Andrae's lap and then throwing the ball away, jumping down to get it , climbing back up and then throwing the ball away again.

What a blessing it was to have this time with Andrae, but we sorely missed Jess, his amazing wife. So come visit again soon Andrae and bring Jess next time =)
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