Just wanted to say that training an almost-2-year-old to excersize self-control, while extremely testing in moments, reaps the most beautiful happy mom moments ever!
This Christmas our little explorer found many treats worth digging into, but when David and I told her not to touch them, she sat patiently just
looking at them
, not whining or sneaking, just looking. I had to capture a few pics.
The plate of cookies was at Grandma's house, and after 5 minutes, I told Grandma she could offer Eiley a cookie, because I think Grandma was more tortured watching Eiley watch the cookies than Eiley was.
We made the gingerbread houses for our neighbors and Eiley sat looking at them for a
very long time. It was a small victory.....no, I must say it felt pretty big, and while, tommorow, I will find her putting on my eyeliner ( which I have also told her not to touch) we are making small steps in the right direction.
I am also learning self-control right alongside her, and I think it will be a lifelong training session for both of us. After the indulgence of the holidays I am even more aware that I need that ever-so-challenging fruit of the spirit to be more real in my life too.
So, I leave you with a small bit of motherly illusion. My little girl "decorating cookies" along with her auntie. However, her cookies are saltines and her frosting is peanut butter. She just ate them all anyway.